Green Education
A green education provides the foundation for well-informed green living, buying, and giving.
Green Education provides links to both Free and Accredited Schools and Universities and as we continue to search for an increasing number of reputable sourses we are looking for an increased participation from these vendors. The Green Education list will grow because of your input !
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DISCLAIMER: Green Home Tools is a catalog of useful links to all things green that is intended to provide a unique, one-stop shopping experience for the customer that cannot be duplicated anywhere else. However, the inclusion of a link to a particular source of information, educational institution, product vendor, or service provider does not constitute an endorsement. The customer is encouraged to independently verify any claim made by a vendor of a product or the provider of a service using a general worldwide web search of the name of the vendor and the word "complaints", a search of complaints registered with the state or county in which it is licensed to do business, and/or the Better Business Bureau, all of which allow a search of their databases free of charge, and/or a respected, independent evaluation service provider such as Underwriter Laboratories, Consumer Laboratories or Angie's List, all of which, unfortunately, charge a monthly or annual membership fee for their evaluation services. Despite customer due diligence and good faith effort, sometimes things do not always go as planned, and a reputable product vendor or service provider will always correct any problems brought to their attention in a timely fashion, including the failure of a product or service within a specified warranty period. Any problem encountered by the customer should be brought to the attention of the source or vendor, preferably in writing, so that the customer has a written record of what was communicated to whom and when. This is also useful in documenting disputes for resolution by your credit card service provider. While Green Home Tools assumes no responsibility for a problem encountered or its consequences from following one of our links, nevertheless, we do not want to do business with an affiliate who is unresponsive or uncooperative in solving a problem brought to its attention in writing in a clear, timely, and respectful fashion. Please report to us any problem encountered with any information source, educational institution, product vendor, or contracted service accessed via a Green Home Tools link that has not been corrected to the customer's satisfaction, and, after verifying the customer's claim, we will stop doing business with that affiliate. Thank you for your understanding in this regard. THE MANAGEMENT